Women’s network
of the year:

Showcasing the supportive work of internal women's networks and awarding their ability to evoke change, provide a safe space and lobby for new company policies

Thames Water
- Women's Network

Allyship Award 
Recognising an individual as an agent of change who has gone above and beyond the call of duty, supporting women colleagues, addressing the gender imbalance and materially contributing to the success of women in the industry.  

Nikolaj Lyngbye Kolbe,
Centrica Energy

Best EDI initiative:
Recognising an individual as an agent of change who's gone above and beyond the call of duty, supporting women colleagues, addressing the gender imbalance and materially contributing to the success of women in the industry.  

Thames Water - Women's Network Allyship Programme

Education Outreach:
Recognising an individual or a company initiative that has done outstanding outreach work with communities to encourage and inspire women into a career in utilities.  

Tessa Ryan, Jersey Electricity

Mentor of the year:
Highlighting an individual who has gone above and beyond as a mentor to support and develop the careers of future women leaders in utilities.  

Sophia Goring, Business Stream

Returning star:
Awarding an individual in the middle of their working life - who has perhaps returned to a career in the utilities industry following maternity leave or a career break - and has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to their organisation and/or the wider industry since their return.

Carine Bou Tayeh, Jersey Electricity

Rising Star (utility partner)
Celebrating a woman who has worked in the utilities industry for fewer than five years and demonstrates huge potential, while making a significant contribution to their organisation and to the industry as a whole and demonstrating an ongoing commitment to innovation.


Nina Möger Bengtsson, Kraken 

Rising Star (utility)
Celebrating a woman who has worked in the utilities industry for fewer than five years and demonstrates huge potential, while making a significant contribution to their organisation and to the industry as a whole and demonstrating an ongoing commitment to innovation.

Nicole McNab, Southern Water

Best Employer for Women (500+ employees):
Celebrating a company which has inclusion and diversity deeply embedded in its culture, values the benefits of a diverse workforce and has implemented policies to remove barriers and encourage the development of women.  


Best Employer for Women (under 500 employees):
Celebrating a company which has inclusion and diversity deeply embedded in its culture, values the benefits of a diverse workforce and has implemented policies to remove barriers and encourage the development of women.  

Business Stream

Hi Viz Award:
Awarding a woman delivering outstanding work in field operations, who is contributing materially to the success of her own organisation and providing an inspirational role model for the next generation. 

Jenny Rhodes, SES Water

Woman of the Year:
Recognising an outstanding leader who over the course of their career has contributed materially to the success of their own organisation and/or the wider industry, and provided an inspirational role model for women in utilities.

Jo Dow, Business Stream